Tue 9th Mar | 2021

Strong Evidence Links Elmiron to Irreversible Retina Damage

Class Actions Defective Products Medical Malpractice Personal Injury Product liability BY

In 1996, Jassen Pharmaceuticals, a division of Johnson & Johnson, introduced Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium) to the market. Elmiron is used to treat Interstitial Cystitis, a Urinary Tract condition that causes pressure and pain in the abdomen, pelvic and genital regions, and frequent urination.

Elmiron has been commonly used for years. Recently, a growing number of users have reported severe vision problems after taking Elmiron. Class action lawsuits have been filed against the manufacturer.

Court documents state that Jassen Pharmaceuticals failed to warn users and the medical community of the side effects of taking the drug. The most severe side effect is pigmentary maculopathy, a form of retinal maculopathy. Retinal maculopathy is a rare but serious eye disease that can cause vision loss and significant eye damage.

New Evidence Strongly Links Elmiron to Retinal Maculopathy

In February 2021, Clinical Ophthalmology published a new study with strong evidence linking the use of Elmiron to retinal maculopathy, claiming Elmiron has a distinct signature that can be identified using special multimodal imaging.

Failure to Warn of Risks

For decades, Elmiron manufacturers marketed the drug to be a safe and effective treatment for Interstitial Cystitis. It wasn’t until June 2020, when they issued the first warnings by adding the importance of monitoring vision changes and retinal damage while taking Elmiron to the label.

Many doctors are unaware of the connection between Elmiron and Retinal Maculopathy.

If you have been prescribed Elmiron and noticed vision changes, document your symptoms and notify your physician immediately. If you have been diagnosed with Elmiron-related maculopathy, contact Clark Fountain to discuss your legal options.