Tragic Preventable Death After 911 Team Said To “Call Back”
The medical malpractice team of Clark Fountain recently pursued a devastating case on behalf of five children after their mother tragically died, likely as a result of a 911 rescue team’s actions who hours earlier told her that “it was a terrible time to go to the ER”.
Having been earlier diagnosed with pneumonia, Ms. Hollis called 911 complaining of fever and difficulty breathing and was told that because it was New Year’s Eve, it is was not a good time to go to the emergency room. The rescue team recommended that she turn down her air conditioner. The next morning, in dire medical condition, Ms. Hollis’ family called 911; the same rescue team answered the call to find that Ms. Hollis was not breathing. Sadly, it was too late. She was pronounced dead at the hospital.
Faced with a statutory cap and potentially years of protracted litigation, and the need for a Claims Bill, the family chose to settle the case