New Release by Attorney Don Fountain: Advocating for Consumer Safety.


New Release by Attorney Don Fountain: Advocating for Consumer Safety.

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Tue 8th Sep | 2015

Firm Wins Settlement in Deadly Car Crash

Accidents Auto Accidents & News Results BY

Attorneys Poorad Razavi and Donald R. Fountain,JR. recently reached confidential settlements in three devastating Miami-Dade cases of negligent roadway design and construction that led to the deaths of three young women in two separate, yet eerily similar accidents. The cases involved a massive 120 ft. tall light pole located too close to the Florida Turnpike, directly violating long-standing Florida safety standards.

Razavi and Fountain were initially called upon to investigate potential defects in their clients’ vehicle that led to the death of these young women. Their investigation revealed no plausible claim for a vehicle defect; however, a visual examination of the design of the roadway and location of the pole prompted them to conduct further inquiries. After examining tens of thousands of pages of documents, they discovered that the expansion construction of the Florida turnpike just years earlier had erroneously permitted the pole to be placed too close to the newly added travel lanes, violating Florida Department of Transportation roadway safety standards. If the pole had been located properly, the accidents most certainly would have been avoided, and these two women’s lives would have been spared.

Razavi and Fountain had to sue more than 20 defendants, including the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the design engineers, the general contractors, and various other sub-contractors involved on the project.

The attorneys are especially proud that their work resulted in the installation of a guardrail on the Florida Turnpike’s southbound ramp at Northwest 41st Street, which now protects and shields motorists to ensure that no one else meets this tragic fate.

Poorad Razavi is a civil trial attorney specializing in catastrophic injury and wrongful death claims. If you or a loved one have been injured due to someone else’s negligence anywhere in the country, or simply wish to inquire about information contained within any of these articles, please do not hesitate to contact him for a free consultation.